
Archive for April, 2010

Mult succes la proba de Competente digitale!

April 18, 2010 6 comments

Bine v-am regasit, dragii mei

De maine, 19.04.2010 pana joi, 29.04.2010 se desfasoara proba de Competente digitale a examenului de bacalaureat 2010, motiv pentru care va urez succes si subiecte cat mai usoare!

Emotiile trebuie lasate deoparte, deoarece, la fel ca in cazul probei orale de Competente lingvistice in limba romana, simpla prezentare atrage dupa sine promovarea probei.

Bafta inca o data si asteptati ultima proba orala, aceea de Competente lingvistice in limba engleza.


The English Teach

P.S. pentru detalii despre organizarea si desfasurarea probei de Competente digitale, consultati site-ul:

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!I wish you all a Happy Easter!, with light in your hearts, joy and tranquility.

This day is about family, friendship and people you want to be with, therefore enjoy yourselves, feel free and enlightened !

I dream of a calm Easter, with happy faces, without the Easter bunny and people struggling to light their Holly candle from the priest and mostly forgetting what is the true meaning of it. The Easter Light is a symbol of God’s victory over Death and a proof of  redemption through faith.

Have a Happy Easter! and try to leave behind, at least for one day, your daily problems and your sorrows!


The English Teach

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